We are thrilled that you have chosen RWH Tax Preparation to prepare your Federal, State, and Local tax returns. In order for us to provide you with the best service possible, please locate your tax returns from the previous two years, and bring them with you for our first appointment. You will also want to download, complete, and bring with you the documents on the “Forms” menu.
If you are not sure whether or not a document is necessary for the proper preparation of your returns, bring it with you. It is much easier for us to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
For your convenience, in addition to regular business hours, we offer evening and weekend appointments. For clients who find it impossible to come to our office, we offer “house calls” at no additional cost. To make an appointment, please call (484) 437-4395 or connect with us using our Contact/Upload Files page.